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Complimentary Fluid Analysis

We’re often asked, “How long will my fluid last?” The reality is that with the seemingly endless different uses for thermal fluids and the many varied system designs, it can be a next to impossible question to answer.

But, there’s a simple way we can help you track and predict your fluid’s future, and that’s by implementing a comprehensive fluid analysis program – a complimentary service available from Duratherm.

Our fluid analysis program is an invaluable tool whose benefits become more and more apparent over time.

By taking a proactive role and tracking a thermal fluid’s properties from when a system is initially filled (and at regular intervals as the fluid ages), fluid analysis can help us identify even minor issues. And recommend corrective steps that can be taken to keep things running smoothly well into the future.

Scientists doing fluid analysis

Why you should test?

  • Help detect and identify system problems early
  • Establish optimum service and change-out intervals
  • Ensure future reliability and maintain production schedules
  • Maintain a safe working environment for personnel
  • Satisfy insurance or underwriter requirements
  • Because it’s free!

When you should test?

  • On initial fill or change-out to establish a baseline sample
  • Larger systems: on an annual or semi-annual basis
  • Smaller systems: as often as monthly for demanding applications
  • Anytime the process is modified or altered beyond original design
  • If any form of contamination is suspected
  • Observe a decline in normal system performance

What we look for?

  • A noted decrease in the flash point: a key indicator that the fluid has been overheated and degraded and may be unsafe
  • Changes in the fluid’s viscosity: a supporting factor of both oxidation and thermal degradation
  • An increase in the TAN (Total Acid Number): an indicator of oxidation resulting from exposure to air
  • Any form of contamination that may be affecting the thermal fluid